Saturday, August 24, 2013

"Gimme a Head with Hair Long Beautiful Hair"

    Hair!!! I don't know if you guys have had the chance to see this musical, but it's pretty great. But wait, we're not here to talk musicals... or are we?!
Image via Party Earth

  Since we just talked about wedding makeup, wedding hair would only be the next logical topic! Personally, I'm not sure which is more important, hair or makeup, Hair? Makeup?? I mean if we aren't having a good hair day, it feels like everything is just ruined! I can have a great outfit and perfect makeup but if my hair is not cooperating, the whole look is just gone. So does that mean your hair for your wedding is more important than your makeup? Well shucks, I'm screwed!

   Let's start off with this... I have got some very special hair... Uncooperative, curly, thick hair...
Personal Photo

   Okay okay, so that was for halloween... But it is my real hair! And in case you're wondering... I was going as Foxy Cleopatra from Austin Powers... But you can see, when I tell people I have a fro, I'm not lying!!

Personal Photo via Craig Photography

   Now this is me on a more regular basis, though I really made sure my hair was good that day for our engagement photos. It took a lot of work, well not really, just me telling my hair to behave and ensuring it was drying properly.

Personal Photo

   This is my hair straight which happens about once a year... I've been growing it out and it's past my chin now straight, but still looks like it should not be straight, if you know what I mean!

Personal Photo

   This is my hair on regular basis, pretty much what it looks like every day. Obviously, I took this photo the day after we got engaged, hence the ring shot haha.

  So you can see, not a lot of options right?! I don't know about any of you other curly headed ladies out there, but I get so upset when I go on a site and see a post about "Naturally curly hair ladies how are you wearing your hair for your wedding day?!" And of course I click on it!! Then I see this...
Image via Smashing Tops

   Girrrrrllllll NO! That is not curly, I would die to have hair that perfect and shiny!! I always wanted big curls, instead I got little springs... And trying to grow it out... It just gets curlier, that is not how physics works, what is happening?!

   I would love to have hair like that! I used to have incredibly long hair... But it's sooo heavy, and I cut it all off when I graduated college... So now I have short curly hair and I love it! But, that leaves me zero options for wedding day hair...

   I'm in a wedding in exactly one week! And the bride wants everyone's hair up... Umm okay... Unfortunately my hair doesn't go up... So the typical bridal updo will never be able to happen for me...
Image via First Wedd

   Gorgeous but impossible... So I can't pull off any actual hairstyles... And I should mention, Bridesmaid Stylist will be doing my hair for the wedding since she is also my fabulous hairdresser! Even she agrees, the one big day of my life, my hair will be styled well, exactly like it is every single day. Except... I've got a custom hair comb to place in my hair! (more on accessories later).

   So slightly bummed, but oh well, what can you do, you are who you are!! I'm interested in hearing how my fellow curly headed gals are doing their hair. Will you straighten it? What about you ladies out there with that gorgeous straight hair I covet so much?! Will you curl it? Go with an updo? What will your wedding hair be? Was it a long process to decide on a style?!

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